Monday, May 07, 2007

Teacher Appreciation Week!

This week I plan to post a blog each day to show appreciation for the teachers and educators which so humbly provide for the betterment of mankind on a day-in and day-out schedule. Sure, they may get summers "off" as people say, but many times there is much preparations going on during that summer to make sure everything is ready for the up-coming school session. Many workshops are attended during this time. Many new textbooks and curriculum are being familiarized. Some teachers get involved with summer-school teaching. Whatever the case, teachers are hard-working individuals (and I haven't even BEGUN to credit them with the work they put in in working directly with the students)!

Unfortunately, teachers are not among the highest paying professionals. Matter of fact, they are probably near the bottom of the pay-scale among working professionals. Because of this, I feel it is even MORE important to acknowledge the respect and honor that such individuals deserve. Maybe they will not be compensated in a monetary fashion, but they will always receive one of my highest levels of respect!

This week is a typical week for "Teacher Appreciation Week" at many school districts. Because of this, I wanted to do this blog series this week to show my appreciation for the many teachers who have influenced my life. I can recall many great memories of learning from teachers and professors in the classroom setting during my past. I've been blessed with a good number of teachers/professors who have had quite an impact on my life. I still keep in touch with educators from my high school as well as college experiences. I have been influenced in more ways than I can count from such individuals. However, my respect for specific teachers goes beyond classrooms I've sat in. I have been honored to be close friends with many young teachers beginning their teaching careers. I have two best friends who are middle school educators (my UTMOST respect to someone willing to take on that challenging age...HA)! Each of my friends that have accepted the challenge of educating the youth of our nation are troopers in my opinion, especially with the turns society has taken over the year (i.e. concerning the educational system, the behaviors of the youth, the parental support, etc.)

So I challenge each of you to thank a teacher (of any sort) this week! Someone that has had some influence on your life through their teaching. Maybe it was someone you sat in a class and listened to lecture, or maybe it's a mentor outside of the classroom setting, or maybe it's a peer/friend who has shown you how to love others through their teaching ways.

Maybe we can't get them "more pay," but maybe we can let them know that they are appreciated through other venues this week!

[The above pictured comics were taken from “Chicken Soup for the Teacher’s Soul: Stories to Open the Hearts and Rekindle the Spirit of Educators” by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen]

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