Sunday, February 25, 2007

The Oscars...

  • I think if the awards had been distributed due to HOT cast members, Pirates of the Carribean: Dead Man's Chest and The Departed would have won a LOT more statues.
  • The Most Authentic Reaction of an Oscar Winner: Jennifer Hudson and Forest Whitaker.
  • Maybe next year we'll see Dick Cheney all over the red carpet! ;)
  • Best Presentation by an Award Presenter: Jaden Christopher Syre Smith
  • Worst Presentation by an Award Presenter: Clint Eastwood (yes, buddy, you SHOULD have worn your glasses! HA!)
  • I think Gore was afraid to announce he would be running for the democratic ticket because had he, then the republicans could begin using the terminology that they are running against the dirty dozen! My goodness, do the people not think there is already ENOUGH democrats fighting for that one spot?!?!
  • 4 Words: Why was Jack bald?!!?

Whelp, I can end with this...

Now I have a good reason to go rent The Departed and watch hot boys! HA! I've been wanting to see it for a while now! WOO HOO (still love ya though, Sunshine)!

UPDATE: This link answers the "bald" question and maybe some other questions you might have had.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

The Departed is a good movie, you'll enjoy. But, I still think Little Miss Sunshine should have won, I love that movie.