Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Celebrating Some Anniversaries...

I just want to shoot out three quick birthday wishes...

First, my cousin, Johnny, and my close friend, Misty, are both celebrating their 25th birthday's today. Both of them were born on Friday the 13th...

...enough said. ;)

Finally, I want to wish Belinda a WONDERFUL 50th anniversary of her birth! I actually don't know Belinda personally (we've never met), but I've been honored to have her reading my blog for quite sometime now (I don't even know how long ago it was that you started reading, Belinda, but I do know it's been a while) and I've greatly appreciated all the comments she's left!

Whether you're celebrating a quarter of a century in life experiences or half, may your day be blessed and filled with many wonderful memories and smiles!


Anonymous said...

That is SO sweet of you! It's great being 50! And how quickly the time goes . . . it seems like just a few months ago (at most) that I was a widow (at 1 week past my 31st birthday) with two young children. Now my son will be celebrating his 31st birthday this year. I try really hard to remember that YES it COULD happen to me AND don't have regrets. When there's something kinda silly you want and reason with yourself how silly it is, maybe it's really not all that silly.

Anonymous said...

And I'm sure everyone's life will now be better by these wise words from this old woman.

Really, I was touched to get home this afternoon and see my happy birthday message from you! Isn't it amazing how one life touches another? We've never met, but have this connection. wow.

FeedingYourMind said...

You're very welcome, Ms. Belinda!

Yes, I too think it's great how people can touch one another, even without being in person.

Thanks again for reading (and commenting)!