Thursday, June 02, 2005

Where Would You Graciously Give Your Money?

Okay, so I was wondering today...

If you had spare money, let's say you had made it well with a career or something, and you wanted to donate some money to an organization or some charity of some sort, which one would you pick?

I think giving is one of the best things in this world (and monetary giving is only a SMALL portion of what I'm referring too), but whatever the case, I think where someone would choose to donate some of their hard-earned money says a lot about them.

So, drop me a comment with where you might choose to donate a few thousand dollars you might happen to have one day to help others with!


Anonymous said...

I would donate to the salvation army because this organization matches my belief system and I know the money will go toward a good cause. This is one of the few organizations I know that uses the money for the right thing and is not pocketed into someones pocket who does not need it.

Becca said...

There are a couple of places that I would donate my money. One is my church or the missionaries that our church supports. The other place I'd donate money is to the American Cancer Society. Since my Dad and Kelly amoung others have died of cancer, it has become even more important to me that a cure is found.

Anonymous said...

I would donate my time as well as my money to organizations helping people who suffer from depression and also helping publicize depression and helping to erase the stigma attached to it. I've been there and my dream has always been to help others who are there, because that place is very dark and pretty hopeless while you are there.

FeedingYourMind said...

I think for me I'd donate my money in ways to promote education. I value education and trying to equalize opportunities as much as possible.

The first place I would love to donate money would be in the form of scholarships for higher education. I admire countries where higher education is basically free. Especially in society today, like in the U.S. where a college education is almost necessary for a "successful" career, higher education should be available to anyone and everyone.

Along these same lines, another place I would consider donating money, would be in the form of purchasing supplies for low-income school districts. I think it is sad how some of our children in the richest country in the world go to school where they don't have even the necessities for teaching a child the fundamental academics.

Our education system could use a little revamping in this country (if you ask me), and I'm speaking on ALL levels.

I will give some pointers to our country for this though, our library systems. Have you ever thought about what a blessing a library is?!?! That is FREE knowledge at your hands! Much greater than any education system can provide you with, IF you take advantage of it!

I don't know, but I really wonder how many countries have library systems like our country has that offers it's citizens so much FREE knowledge...Hmmmm...

Anonymous said...

I don't think higher education is necessary to become successful. Most of the world's most successful people only have a high school diploma. They did however worked hard and long hours. I think that in America we think that if you have a college degree you will make all this money and live the America dream. This however is not a reality for everyone. If you don't have a good work ethic and work hard then no matter how much education you have your future still won't be all that great. My friend Juney is 27. He bought his own house when he was 23. Owns 2 cars and 1 boat. Bought his mom and dad a house (this is the first house his family has ever had). His title at work network enginner. He works in Dallas at Bombardier Aerospace and only has a high school degree. he does have 2 certifications that he took at 100 dollars each (This is a cheap education and is ONLY possible in America). Bottom line is you can give the money to people to get an education, but being successful means much more than having an paper or degree, it means being willing to work hard and self motovate yourself. So I would disagree with you on that one Kim. If you want to know more about Juney and ask him questions then you can visit his personal wesite at He has told me many times that all he did was work hard and that is all it takes. You don't always have to follow the norm and get a degree to get what you need to live the good life.

Anonymous said...


After working in the school district for 2 years now in inner city Dallas I do agree that more money would be great. However, as a world traveler and having seen how education is set up in different countries, I have to say that despite the money issues in the U.S. we still have one of the best educational systems in the world. Take Europe for example, in Slovenia at the age of 12 children having to take a test (like the TAKS here). If you do not make a certain score on the test then you are required by the government to quit school because you are not seen fit to continue schooling. You are then sent to a trade school where your future is decided for you. (Note: those who attend trade schools and get a job hardley make any money.) If you pass the exam then you are allowed to continue your education and mabey even attend college. This is why the suicide rate is so much higher in Europe among young kids. The kids end up having too much pressure put on them at such a young age. Many kids living in other countires would love to come to the US to get a free education even if it is in the inner city. Although the inner city kids don't get a top notch education they are still getting one. Also, one thing that the U.S. has available for low income students is junior colleges. You can go to a junior college and take one class for like 40 buck (Brookhaven College in Farmers Branch). This is cheap. So there are opportunities available for these kids. They just need guidance and need to be taught the rules of the middle class so they know how they can succeed. Anyone who took education classes at ACU will know what I am talking about. So it does seem that although the US education system is not perfect it is still one of the best in the world.

FeedingYourMind said...

Anonymous: I agree, hard work will get you as far as anyone with 3 doctorate degrees. If I came off sounding as if I think it is impossible to become successful or make a fine living without a college degree I apologize. I do not believe that at all. As you mentioned, I know MANY people who are more successful (measured in many ways: financially, influencially, powerfully, etc.) than people with a college degree, BUT, what I do believe is your odds are higher with a college degree, AND, I think the more knowledge a person can compile during a lifetime, the better off he/she will be, as a person, as an employee, as a boss, as a father, as a mother, as a grandparent, in ANY role. I believe my comments concerning the amazing resource we have in the library system makes this point exactly.

Thanks very much for your comment!

FeedingYourMind said...

Alison: I appreciate very much you taking your time to read and respond to my comment.

As not much of a traveler myself, I appreciate your comments on the Slovenian education system. My knowledge of overseas education systems is limited to what I've learned through books, classes, and the media I suppose, so your first-hand traveling experience is helpful...thanks!

Though I think my comment has come off rather negative from my most recent responses, I do apologize. First off, in no way do I think the US education system is poorly ran or unfairly structured. I simply believe, as with just about everything, there is always room for improvement, so when I posed the original question of this blog, where would I donate my money, I wanted to help in improving the system in a small way through my scholarship offering and my supplies donations.

Yes, even the lower ends of the US education system is top of the line to many places in the world. There is no doubt about that! And thank goodness our country finds the importance behind education that it does.

As for junior colleges...right on! I think those are a great resource for the low cost. I encourage junior college on any high school graduate who was not considering attending college.

If junior college is the route for someone, more the merrier! However, I would promote a 4-year university, or actually, let me put it this way: I would promote 4-years worth of higher education over 2-years anyday.

I'm not saying I'm one to harp on the quality of the school...I think ivory-league versus many other 4-year universities doesn't matter all that much, but I do promote continual learning.

Overall, I suppose I can't say how much is enough "formal" education for a person. It's very possible that a high school diploma and one brilliant idea can get a person an estate similar to the Gates empire, but I'll always hold to my belief that the desire and willingness to learn, whether it be formal education motivated or self-taught, is an important part to a successful and happy life.

Thanks again for your thoughts and comment!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for coming up with these great discussion topics. It gets us all to think outside of the box for a while.

FeedingYourMind said...

Alison: Hey, thank YOU for reading and especially for your comments! I just love to think about things and putting them in words helps me to look at them in more depth just to come up with the "right words" to use to express it. So I love sharing my thoughts and am get excited to read y'alls comments, so THANX!