Monday, August 22, 2005

Monday's Picture Blog!

[Give this picture it's best caption! Either come up with a unique/fun caption for this picture or tell what you think is going on in the picture! Tomorrow I'll pick the best response! LEAVE A COMMENT (anyone can leave a comment, you don't have to have a blog)! I don't care if you're someone I don't know, someone I do know, or someone I'm not suppose to know that reads my blog all the time (secretly of course...HA!) Have fun!] Posted by Picasa


Ellison said...

This would be much better if there was something in the dang bowl.

Holly said...

"Hey mommy, do soldiers in Iraq ever wear THIS type of helmet?"

Holly said...

"Mama! Mama! Oh Please give me a chili bowl hair cut!"

FeedingYourMind said...

Gotta get right to the point this week...

This week's best caption is going to Holly with: "'Hey mommy, do soldiers in Iraq ever wear THIS type of helmet?'"

Thanks for the captions!

Take care, folks!